The REACT project – Resilience and Adaptive CapaciTy in agriculture – aims at creating an innovative system to increase the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural pratices’ management, through the collection and smart exploitation of data from multiple sources. To this end, a platform based on a Geographic Information System will be developed. The platform will be able to collect, coherently organize and elaborate high amounts of eterogeneous data and to clearly present the output to the stakeholders (farmers and agricultural/land-reclamation/irrigation authorities).
The platform will represent the point of convergence of all the collected data and will feature a modular architecture in which the different modules will deal with information extraction by means of data mining techniques. The platform will be able to integrate different tools such as Decision Support Systems for irrigation, for fertilizers usage and for phytosanitary treatments. The range of modules that can be possibly integrated in the platform is virtually unlimited. This represents one of the strengths and innovations of the platform, which will become a tool both flexible and easily applicable to multiple targets.
REACT is funded by the grant POR FESR 2014-2020, Asse 1. Azione 1.1.4. Delibera di Giunta regionale n. 711 del 28 maggio 2019 “Bando per il sostegno a progetti sviluppati da aggregazioni di imprese”.