The DPR&DI-CONNECT project consists of the development of innovative modules and functions for querying the DPR&DI platform and integrating it with Enterprise Resource Planning systems, allowing the exchange of data such as contracts and invoices. DPR&DI is the platform realized by Idea-Re for the management of evaluation of R&D projects.
The integration guarantees the tracking and uniqueness of interactions in the management of production activities, with a high standard of protection. Such functions are also necessary for control activities carried out by verifying bodies on research activities, operation strategies and development of projects.

DPR&DI CONNECT was co-funded in the context of the “POR FESR 2014-2020. Asse III Azione 3.7.1. – Avviso a sportello per l’innovazione digitale nelle micro e piccole imprese 2019” grant published by Umbria Region Giunta. The project started in 2019 and was concluded in June 2020.