REACT Project

REACT Project

The REACT project – Resilience and Adaptive CapaciTy in agriculture – aims at creating an innovative system to increase the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural pratices’ management, through the collection and smart exploitation of data from multiple...
REEDIA Project

REEDIA Project

The REEDIA project – REsEarch, Development and Innovation Analytics – originates  from the trade associations’ and financing bodies’ need to increase the knowledge level about the territory, with the aim of orienting actions focused at enhancing the...


The DPR&DI-CONNECT project consists of the development of innovative modules and functions for querying the DPR&DI platform and integrating it with Enterprise Resource Planning systems, allowing the exchange of data such as contracts and invoices. DPR&DI...
DPR&DI BDA Project

DPR&DI BDA Project

The DPR&DI BDA project (DPR&DI Big Data Analytics) has been developed to enable analysis and handling of Big Data arising from the DPR&DI platform. The latter is an “ad hoc” management software capabale of efficiently managing scientific and...